The eye shimmers really nice shimmery but it does get everywhere when applying
As you can see the colours are really bright and cheerfull!!!
For christmas i was given this eye shadow and eye shimmer products I had never heard of beauty uk So went online to resreach the their products and liked what I saw The colours are execellent, rlly birght and cheerfull It Available at Superdrug and it's only £3.42
Colour Names, left to right: Solar Flare, Fuchsia, Punki Pink, Blue Blaze, Orange Flame
Colour Names, left to right: Classic Red, lime Green, Cheeri Melon, Fuchsia Rage, Chili Pepper
i love bright colours especially luminous colours, so i had to go buys these 10 different bright luminous colours, they apply on really well and only need 2 to 3 coats you can buys these from Sally Hair & Beauty Supplies really cheap, around £2:50